


feature request: audio decoders

Added by jessica jones over 4 years ago


Is anybody interested in adding one or more of those audio decoders? Currently audacious can't play them. I use some of them. They are all open source

- musepack:

- opus:

- TTA:

- ALAC (open source now):

I think especially ALAC and opus are interesting.

Replies (7)

RE: feature request: audio decoders - Added by John Lindgren over 4 years ago

This is misinformation. Audacious can play these formats fine (though FFmpeg).

Your posts are showing a pattern of questions you could have answered yourself, ignorance of how the project works and what its priorities are, etc. I hope this is just "thinking out loud" and not trolling.

As a final warning, please limit your questions, for the time being, to questions about how to use Audacious. No more feature requests, no more "is anyone interested", no more questions you could have answered by reading the Wikipedia article.

RE: feature request: audio decoders - Added by jessica jones over 4 years ago

Audacious is open source, YOU are not the owner of it and i'm free to ask what I want here...

I don't break any forum rule by asking things I don't know or by asking feature requests.

I quote the website: "You can also request a new feature or report a bug here, but please check the list of common problems first."
=> I did that!

So being a bit more nice to new users would be great! Or is your goal to scare new users away? You're starting to do that in my opinion...

Thank you

RE: feature request: audio decoders - Added by jessica jones over 4 years ago

If you don't want questions by users, then this forum should not exist.

And the following line should be removed from the website: "You can also request a new feature or report a bug here, but please check the list of common problems first."

You tell me the opposite!

best regards

RE: feature request: audio decoders - Added by John Lindgren over 4 years ago

I've not tried to scare you away, only to show you how to make yourself welcome here.

Keep in mind that you as a user can also behave in a way that makes people inclined, or disinclined, to answer your questions. I've spent enough of my time and will not be trying to help you further.

RE: feature request: audio decoders - Added by jessica jones over 4 years ago

I have not done anything wrong...

RE: feature request: audio decoders - Added by Ariadne Conill over 4 years ago

These codecs are all supported via ffmpeg. We generally do not write custom plugins when ffmpeg provides an already good implementation, as it creates additional burden on the developers.

RE: feature request: audio decoders - Added by jessica jones over 4 years ago

I like your to the point answers. Everything is clear for me now.
