Feature #1116
feature request: miniview mode with QT or GTK interace
Just an idea about to have a sort of "miniview" mode with QT or GTK interface.
See attached imaage as example..
Should be activated/deactivated by a double click on infobar (and/or using a keyboard shortcut) when it is enabled..
Updated by Jim Turner over 3 years ago
That sounds like a neat idea, but I'd like to propose a slightly different (easier?) way to implement:
Make this part of the window "dockable" to the bottom of the main window, without a titlebar (which should avoid having to duplicate that part or add menu to revert, etc). Then to achieve the requested effect, one could undock it and then minimize/iconify the main window leaving only this window visible. If leaving the main window up, undocking should cause the playlist to fill in the freed space. What do y'all think?
Updated by IFo Hancroft over 3 years ago
Here's another way this can be achieved:
Add the following two options under View:
- Hide Playlist
- Hide Controls
There are already options to hide the menu and the status bar, so you will just hide the Menu, Playlist, Controls and Status bar and enable Info Bar, Info Bar Album Art and Info Bar Visualization.
The window's titlebar (the one with the song/player name and close/etc buttons) is in the domain of the window manager, so the player shouldn't have to handle it.
Updated by Jim Turner about 3 years ago
Trying to set up hiding/showing all those other elements seems really complicated (expecially if user has plugin windows docked). I decided to go ahead (this was a good, fun project/prog. exercise for me) and implement this the way I suggested by creating a new "Mini-Audacious" (general) plugin that instantiates the Info Bar into a standalone, dockable window, after which, you can minimize or hide the Qt main-window. A script using "audtool" could invoke+hide main window in one step (but "hiding" seems to cause focus/keyboard bindings to not work) so minimizing pbly. best.
Invoking the plugin (either via double-click on infobar or via Plugins.General settings screen) will automatically hide the classic info bar (and restore it if visible when invoked, when closed). If not hidden (and plugin not docked), main-window remains same size & playlist expands to fill the extra space. Plugin can be docked above or below playlist in main window (but fills window horizontally - some may like this effect). I've also added the playlist (+ volumme control) keyboard bindings (and focus) to plugin window for basic playback manipulation. Esc. closes plugin & Ctrl-Q will close "Audacious". It even seems to work in the skins-Qt interface too. You may have to drag the right-side to expand it the first time you invoke & undock it though (I may need to add a default width perhaps) but Qt generally remembers undocked window-sizes.
Only thing I couldn't do (after much T&E) was properly remove the Qt-supplied titlebar & caused other issues, makes it undockable via dragging, and seems to annoy the window-managers I tried.
Anyway, see my GIT (https://github.com/wildstar84) if you want to give it a try - it's an Audacious fork that I've added many features to over the years and also use for trying things out b4 sending pull-requests to Audacious (see site/notes/FAQ/instructions/latest commit there). You can build it from source+install it w/o affecting Audacious or it's configuration. Email me (in my profile) if you have questions regarding that. If you can try it & everything seems to work ok, let me know & I can pbly. cobble together an Audacious pull-request. For now, it's Qt-only (GTK looks to be more challenging) for now (and I currently use the Qt interface), but I'm liking this idea/feature so far! I seem to recall that Ariadne Conill (I think) created a new interface plugin proposal awhile back for similar reasons, but I can't seem to find any reference to that proposal now.
Updated by Jim Turner about 3 years ago
Update: I re-found the new Audacious interface plugin I mentioned. It's called "Moonstone" and it's now in Audacious, see here: https://github.com/audacious-media-player/audacious-plugins/commit/3b4a1e32d1335386e4297b402a5e94c652cd1a6f#diff-1bc38ad4b4b3d23daae65345f0c2245ab5a547ed7fd30fd8cb35f927f60815cb Also I was mistaken, it was created by Audacious team member kaniini, not Ariadne Conhill. One pbm. I have with it though is that it lacks a "Settings menu" option, so if you switch to the Moonstone interface and close the Settings window, afaict there is no way to get back to the other interfaces without manually editing your config file (as I noted in my comment on that commit).