Song length is showing up wrong for VBR MP3 files. I ffound a patch for a previous version; how do I use it?
Added by Andrew Patrick almost 3 years ago
In Audacious 4.1 on Windows 10, I encountered a problem which apparently has already been reported and then solved? VBR MP3 files show up with their length much longer than they actually are. First I found this bug report : and followed the link to this patch:
I have the patch file, but I have no idea what to do with it. Does it only work with version 3.5 and 3.6? Can I still use this patch file on version 4.1? And given that this patch is code, could it be added/committed to the next version? I'm new to FOSS, but if there is a general tutorial on how to apply patch files, I am willing to learn how. Do you use patch files on the source code, or does it work on the version of the software I have installed on my computer?
Replies (2)
RE: Song length is showing up wrong for VBR MP3 files. I ffound a patch for a previous version; how do I use it?
Added by John Lindgren almost 3 years ago
Have you already tried enabling the setting "Use accurate length calculation (slow)" in the MPG123 plugin settings?
RE: Song length is showing up wrong for VBR MP3 files. I ffound a patch for a previous version; how do I use it?
Added by Andrew Patrick almost 3 years ago
Yes. The box is checked in that plugin settings. No change.