Bug #456
MMS not working in Windows (Audacious 3.5)
As a long time Audacious user (since version 2.1) in Linux and Windows, from time to time I write here to report some issues. These are the latest I found:
1) I tried to reproduce this radio station (Radio del Plata, from Argentina)
And I realize it is working correctly in VLC and Windows Media Player, but it doesn't work in Audacious. I haven't test if the problem applies to the Linux version as well, but at least in Windows is not Working.
Thanks for your attention!
#1 Updated by John Lindgren about 10 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from New to Rejected
VLC in Linux doesn't play it either. Wireshark shows the server causing various TCP errors (with either Audacious or VLC). It's unlikely to be a bug in Audacious since we don't touch anything at such a low level. I'd suspect a bug in libmms, but I don't know the protocol well enough to tell you exactly what the problem is.