


Support #1175

False positive error following track change

Added by Louis Cornell about 2 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
July 31, 2022
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Affects version:


Status bar error appears in the status bar for about 5 seconds following track change. Screenshot attached.

Screenshot_20220731_141243.png (404 KB) Screenshot_20220731_141243.png Louis Cornell, July 31, 2022 19:15


#1 Updated by John Lindgren about 2 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Support

#2 Updated by Jim Turner about 2 years ago

First, make sure you don't have a non-working url in your playlist, as that will cause this error (I was having the same issue just the other day and that's what it was for me).

#3 Updated by Louis Cornell about 2 years ago

I see there is a "uri" for each track reference, which points to the library location. It has two added backslashes in front of the path, like


Is that the cause? If the location path is wrong, why does the track still play?

#4 Updated by Louis Cornell about 2 years ago

Louis Cornell wrote:

I see there is a "uri" for each track reference, which points to the library location. It has two added forward-slashes in front of the path, like [...]

Is that the cause? If the location path is wrong, why does the track still play?

Louis Cornell wrote:

I see there is a "uri" for each track reference, which points to the library location. It has two added backslashes in front of the path, like [...]

Is that the cause? If the location path is wrong, why does the track still play?

#5 Updated by Louis Cornell about 2 years ago

Louis Cornell wrote:

Louis Cornell wrote:

I see there is a "uri" for each track reference, which points to the library location. It has two added forward-slashes in front of the path, like [...]

Is that the cause? If the location path is wrong, why does the track still play?

#6 Updated by Jim Turner about 2 years ago

Ok, GOT IT! ;)
Yes, that is correct for file uris (file:///) - file:// indicates a file path (vs http://, etc.) follows, and the absolute path begins with a "/", hence the 3 slashes. My question remains are all these file paths correct (exist and have readable permissions and no bad characters? However, this error only comes from the neon transport plugin, which only processes web urls, so if they're all local files, I'm not sure how you would get this specific message. Also, the "6" indicates a time out in attempting to read, so my guess is that one of your playlist entries refers to a web-based url. Beyond that, I don't know, so hopefully someone else can shed some light.

#7 Updated by Jim Turner about 2 years ago

Oh, and you might post your playlist file and try audacious -V (displays a bunch of diagnostic msgs).


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