

Andy Lembke



March 05, 2015

07:35 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Bug #515: System's Qt Themes not applied by Audacious qtui
I guess not as Ubuntu's KDE is based upon qt 4.8.6.
Ok that would explain it. So it's a won't fix?

March 04, 2015

20:05 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Bug #515: System's Qt Themes not applied by Audacious qtui
Sry plugins/qtgui category.
20:04 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Bug #515 (Rejected): System's Qt Themes not applied by Audacious qtui
It does not look like starting Audacious 3.6 with the qtui would apply the system's qt theme.
I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 an...

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